In many of my posts I write about many aspects in which my life has changed. I usually compare period after B. was born and the present period. However, visiting places of my childhood offers even more surprising pieces of information about my changes – mental, physical, financial, locational, emotional, […]

vaccination process

I got my first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. It was quite difficult for me to prepare for it – anxiety returned, I had flashbacks, disturbed sleep. I used methods I have learnt in last months to deal with it and being able to get my first dose. May 2, 2021 […]


Last week B. got injured, and he was really upset with discomfort and limitations it brought to him. The injury was probably painful too, and he was scared it would never heal. So this is how I tried to help him with kindness and kind words. B. was hungry and […]

movement with a toddler

B. is a very active child and he has been even more when younger. He used to run around and play without stopping, evidently tired and asking to pause and rest next to us; however, he was unable to stop for more then two seconds, literally. Now he can stay […]

Calendar mat

I have started working on this calendar mat more than two years ago when B. was about eight months old. I planned it to be finished by his first birthday so we could use it at his first Montessori Celebration of Life. It did not happen but I have no […]

daffodils and peas

Spring has arrived and we enjoy warm and sunny days, smells of flowers and wet soil. Sometimes we do not go for a walk, but stay on our loggia to play and expose ourselves to sunshine and work in our apartment garden. I grew up in an apartment (about 60 […]