B. and I get dressed and go outside and HE knows that. We walk along the stream, by the farmer’s market and HE knows that. Moreover, since we left our apartment, there is a person with a camera following us all the time we are outside. As we walk into […]
Solstices are interesting days. In winter I long to see more and more light during the day, in summer I crave to feel more and more coolness of nights. Simple celebrations of solstices are new to me. We have celebrated just few of them since I became more and more […]
Several books inspire B’s play, including books written and illustrated by Simona Čechová (I have mentioned her books in other posts – here and here). One of her books, Včelár Jožko (free translation Joseph the Beekeeper), where we base most of our knowledge about beekeeping, inspired him to become a […]
Summer solstice is approaching and I enjoy spending time in the sun, caring for our loggia garden and tasting tasting the harvest which the season offers us. Grown in our loggia garden This is an edible garden nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus). Six flowers have grown on that plant so far – […]
I thrive on organized things! It makes my life so much easier when I do not have to look for anything, move ten things to get to the eleventh thing… The process of organizing itself is quite interesting too. I need to think about how, how often or where I […]
I am sitting at my desk and listening to birds chirping, dogs barking. Sun is shining and I am adoring green plants on our loggia. Sunday morning is now surprisingly quiet and calm (M. and B. went to the shop). Thoughts about past changes and huge changes yet awaiting for […]
Few weeks ago I have started reading a book called Život na míru (free translation Tailor-Made Life) by Marek Rabij where he discuses clothes making in Bangladesh which serves as one of bases for fashion industry. I am struck and shocked by what I read in the book and suddenly […]
Being alone is such a rare event. And today I have about eight hours for myself! So I enjoy my focus on quiet and calmness. In the morning I sang a song when I realized that no one is going to ask me: “What do you sing? Where is the […]
I have mentioned my sleep problems many times in my posts. Although my sleep deprivation was the worst for months and years after B. was born, it started a long time before (I am able to track it into 2013). For years, almost a decade, I did not remember any […]
The present situation is unforeseeable, insecure and scary for many people in the world. I am scared about future too. But I need to take many steps to keep my mental health where it is now, not to sink which would be so easy. I need to keep myself sane […]